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《丑小鸭》是一本含有童话和寓言的 儿童 作品。这本书写了一只天鹅蛋在鸭群中破壳后,因相貌怪异,让同类鄙弃,历经千辛万苦、重重磨难之后长成了白天鹅。下面是我整理的英语 童话 故事 丑小鸭,欢迎大家阅读!

英语童话故事丑小鸭The Ugly Duckling

Long ago, in a farmyard many miles away, a Mother Duck sat on her nest. She was waiting for her eggs to hatch. Each day she proudly looked at them. There were six eggs, which meant six little ducklings to teach to swim.

One sunny spring morning, the first egg began to crack..

'Tap, tap, tap,' went the duckling inside, trying to get out. Mother Duck watched as the egg cracked open and out popped a fluffy duckling.

"One," said Mother Duck proudly.

The next day, the second egg hatched and out popped another fluffy duckling.

"Two," said Mother Duck proudly.

"That lees just three," said Mother Duck.

On the fourth and fifth day, ducklings number four and five hatched.

"That lees just one," said Mother Duck, as she settled on her nest. Her ducklings gathered around her.

But on the sixth day nothing happened. Nor on the snth.

One of the farmyard chickens wandered by.

"Oh," she said. "You're still there I thought you'd be on the pond by now."

"It's this last egg," said Mother Duck. "It hasn't hatched yet."

"Let me see," said the chicken. "Well no wonder. It looks like a goose egg to me. You'll be here for a long time."

"Oh dear," said Mother Duck. "I he my five little ducklings to teach to swim. What shall I do? I can't lee it."

The goose heard that one of her eggs was in Mother Duck's nest.

"Is it true?" she asked, as she puffed up to the nest. "Do you he one of my eggs?"

"I think so," said Mother Duck. They both looked in the nest.

"Huh," said the goose. "That's not mine. It looks more like that absent-minded turkey's egg."

As they looked, they suddenly heard the faint tapping. The shell was breaking.

They watched and waited.

"Oh, dear," said Mother Duck, as she looked at the sixth duckling. It looked most strange, it was straggly and grey where its brothers and sisters were fluffy and yellow. It was also bigger than them.

It quacked as it saw its mother.

"Well, if it's a turkey," said the goose, "it won't swim."

Mother Duck hurried her ducklings to the pond. She waddled in and listened. Splash! Splish! Splosh! Splash! Splish! She turned and looked. All six ducklings foHe came to another lake and there he stayed. Winter was coming and he was alone. As the days grew colder, he found that it was harder to find food.llowed her in the water.

Back at the farmyard, things did not go well for the little duckling. Everyone called him an ugly duckling. The chickens laughed at him, the turkeys chased him and the geese hissed at him.

Soon n his brothers and sisters would not talk to him, but when his mother turned away, he was very sad. He decided to lee the farmyard.

One sunny morning, he walked out of the farmyard and didn't look back. He wandered away, looking for somewhere new to live.

When he'd been walking a while he came to a large lake. There were some ducks swimming on it.

He swam up to them.

"May I stay on this lake?" he asked.

"Of course," said the ducks. "We'll be moving on soon. Why don't you join us, if you're o《丑小鸭》说明只要有理想,有追求,并为这目标而努力奋斗,即使身处逆境也不要紧,“是金子总会发光的”。人生中的挫折和痛苦是不可避免的,只能坚强的面对。同时“丑小鸭”也比喻不被关注的小孩子或年轻人,有时也指刚刚出现、不为人注意的事物。n your own?"

"Thank you," said the duckling.

The duckling stayed on the lake and day by day he grew bigger. One day he looked up to see some large white birds flying gracefully over the lake.

"They're beautiful," he whispered, and then sighed. "I wonder who they are?"

"It's autumn, and we're going now," they told him, "join us if you want to."

The one morning he woke and found that he couldn't move. The lake had frozen and he was stuck in the . The day passed and the duckling was giving up hope of being found. But late in the afternoon a man walking his dog saw him. He broke the , and the duckling was free. He ran across the and hid. He didn't dare to go on the again.

Winter passed, spring came, and the melted.

The duckling stretched his wings and found that they were strong enough to carry him. He flew upon and over the lake, high above the trees and fields. He should he been very happy, but he was not because he felt so lonely.

A few days later, he looked up to see the large white birds he had seen in the autumn. They looked beautiful as they landed on the lake. The duckling aded their glossy white feathers and long necks. He swan over to take a closer look at them.

"Ugly," cried one of the white birds. "How silly!"

The duckling looked and caught sight of his own reflection. He gasped in surprise, for instead of seeing a fat, grey duckling he saw a swan with a long elegant neck and a bright orange bill. "I'm like you," he cried. "I'm a swan, too."

"Definiy," said the swan, with a ile.

"Of course," said the swans.

At th"Oh, well," she said. "He can swim. He is definiy not a turkey."at moment two children ran down to the lake. "Ooh, look!" they cried. "The swans are back and there's a new one, too. Isn't he beautiful!"

Then it was time to go flying with all of the other swans and, as the duckling took off from the lake, he could see his new beautiful reflection in the water.


"How strange," said Mothswim to other swans happily and he lived happily r after .er Duck on the snth day. "It should he hatched by now."

扩展资料:创作背景The ugly duckling stretched his neck and ruffled his feathers with pride.




丑小鸭一出生就被嫌弃 ,被许多小动物打。它非常渴望自己变美丽,他实在忍受不了有许多小动物打自己了,于是便离开了。去了很多地方,变成了美丽的白天鹅





读了丑小鸭的故事我明白了以下道理:The sixth duckling was very good at swimming, and was soon swimming better than his brothers and sisters.

1、丑小鸭的故事告诉"We're swans," said another. "Why do you think you're ugly? Look at yourself in the water."我们是金子总会发光。






Some ducks began to fly up to lee, but suddenly loud bangs were heard. Two of the ducks fell from the sky. Others flew up in fright, and more fell as more bangs were heard.


人生中的挫折和痛苦是不可避免的,只能坚强的面对。同时“丑小鸭”也比喻不被关注的小孩子或年On the third day, duckling number three hatched.轻人,有时也指刚刚出现、不为人注意的事物。







One day the ducks came to see him.








有一天,鸭妈妈生了许多鸭宝宝,其中有一只灰灰的很丑,其他孩子们都叫她丑小鸭,后来丑小鸭离家出走了,她在河边看见了很多美丽的天鹅,他想我也想变成天鹅丑小鸭看见了自己映在水The duckling ran and hid. He found a bush and stayed there until the noise had died down. When it was quiet he sadly left the lake and headed away over the fields.里的影子他变成了一只天鹅

一只“丑小鸭”——事实上是一只美丽的天鹅,但因为他生在一个鸭场里,鸭子觉得它与自己不同,就认为他很“丑”。其他的动物,如鸡、狗、猫也随声附和,都鄙视他。它们都根据自己的人生哲学来对他评头论足,说:“你真丑得厉害,不过只要你不跟我们族里任何鸭子结婚,对我们倒也没有什么大的关系。”它们都认为自己门第高贵,了不起,其实庸俗不堪。相反,“丑小鸭”却是非常谦虚,“根本没有想到什么结婚”。他觉得“我还是走到广大的世界上去好。”就在“广大的世界”里有天晚上他看见了“一群漂亮"Aah well," said the chicken, and she wandered off.的大鸟从灌木林里飞出来……他们飞得很高——那么高,丑小鸭不禁感到说不出的兴奋。”这就是天鹅,后来天鹅发现“丑小鸭”是他们的同类,就“向他游来……用嘴来亲他。”原来“丑小鸭”自己也是一只美丽的天鹅,即使他“生在养鸭场里也没有什么关系。”







6、I should lee and go to another place .The ugly ducking thought .So he是金子总会发光的。



丑小鸭的故事告诉了我"We'll soon see," said the goose.们:丑小鸭是其实不是鸭子,而是一只天鹅。

丑小鸭的故"Oh," said the goose.事告诉我们什么道理



"Does that mean I can3、美由心生心善则美,心恶则丑。 stay with you, and not live alone?"

The Ugly Ducking

In the countryside a duck was sitting on her eggs . She was very tired ,but

still she sat there quietly after a while the eggs broke one by one .The little

ducks jumped out one after another .But the biggest egg didn’t break .At

last , the egg broke .But a big and ugly ducking jumped out .That duck is so

ugly .The other ducks said .they didn’t like him and called him “ ugly ducking”

left .After dark , the ugly ducking ran to a house , and went into the

house .There lived an old grandma .The next day ,the old grandma found the

ugly ducking and let him stay with her “New , I’ll he duck’s eggs to eat ”.

After a few days ,the ugly ducking disliked his lift there “I want to see the

wide world ” The forest in the autumn was so beautiful .The ugly ducking saw

some beautiful birds in the lake .He didn’t know they were swans . Winter

was coming and the ugly ducking felt colder and colder . At last , he was

frozen on the lake . The next morning a farmer saw the ugly ducking and

sed him .In the spring , the ugly ducking put up his wings in the lake . He

was able to fly and felt so happy . The ugly ducking flew to the lake . He

looked at himself in the water . He had become a beautiful white swan .So he

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Please," he said shyly. "Will you l me who you are. You are so beautiful and I am so ugly. I've nr seen anybody like you."The Ugly Ducking

The ugly duckling is ugly, all chicken, duck laughed at him, pushed him, n his own brothers and sisters also bully him, despise him, n his mother had topersuade him to go away.

In the face of great pressure, he was forced to lee home after wandering, risk.In the wild duck group, he "as far as sible to respectfully salute", "just wantthem to let him lie in the reed inside," no more begging.

Yan He is good, but was killed by ters. The ugly duckling take escape from death, came to a cottage. He swallow insult and humiliation silently after living here for a while, he chicken and a cat teasing out.

He finally unbearable, he feel excited alone came to the nature. In autumn, the ugly duckling saw flying south happiness swan, and he could not forget thosebeautiful birds.

Arrived in the winter, the day is so cold, the ugly duckling was almost froze to death in the cold lake.

It is a beautiful spring, he saw those beautiful birds. After a fierce ideological struggle, the ugly duckling can't restrain inner desire, decision regardless of life and death to the beautiful swan.

Howr, when the water reflected is no longer the grey duck ugly, but abeautiful white swan


两种哦~楼主比较喜欢那个就选哪个吧 求采纳(^__^) 嘻嘻……

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